Guest article: Wellness trends in 2023

Written by The Wellness Show

As we look to 2023, what trends will we see in fitness, food, self-care, beauty and sustainability? 

The Wellness Show has been at the forefront of wellness trends for the past 30 years, and here’s what we think will shape the future of the wellness industry over the next year. 

 “Snackable” fitness: instead of taking an hour out of your day to go do a workout, many are now doing smaller workouts throughout the day. It might look like going for a walk in the morning, taking the stairs at work when coming back from lunch, housework, cleaning or gardening when you get home, and lifting some weights while watching TV in the evening. The concept here is to integrate functional fitness into your life, rather than it being a thing you have to set aside time to do. Lots of little bits of activity will keep you from being bored with your routine, and they add up at the end of the day. For more info about functional, snackable fitness, check out Fuel Life at the Show. 

Protein: Literally every cell in our body contains protein, and many of us aren’t getting enough. It’s recommended you get 1.2-1.6g of protein per kg of body weight, and try to focus those on your first and last meals of the day. The first meal of the day will help you to get through your morning, and the last meal of the day will help you to get through the night. If choosing meat, try to focus on organic, pasture-raised products (like those from Hopcott Farms), and if choosing plant-based, reach for pulses and legumes which also pack a ton of fibre. Also try to incorporate nuts and seeds into your diet, as well as quinoa and brown rice, which are excellent sources of protein. For plant-based sources of protein, try the spreads from Avafina Organics, or load up your smoothie with Purica Vegan Protein Powder. Eggs are also a great source of protein, and you can’t beat the variety of ways they can be prepared, so you’ll never be bored. 

Shopping Small: With the exponential rise in the cost of living lately, it’s become more important than ever to support local, small businesses. That means less shipping costs, and more of your money stays in your neighbourhood. We love the moxie of Ali’s Mystical Wonders, a 15-year-old who makes bracelets and other semi-precious jewellery. And we can’t get enough of Haute Foods chili oil. It’s good on everything, even ice cream! Farming Karma’s sparkling juices out of Kelowna make us feel bubby, inside and out. These are just a few of the local producers you’ll meet at this year’s Wellness Show. 

Wearables getting smarter (and not just on your wrist): We’ve been loving our wearables for quite a few years now, but they’re getting better and smarter. First off, wearables are not just for the wrist anymore. The Oura ring, for example, is worn on the finger, and B3 Bands are worn on the arms and use blood flow resistance to deepen their workouts and recover faster. Wearables are tracking more than just our fitness, as well—they now track sleep cycles, heartbeat, blood glucose, and stress levels. We’re now seeing smart mattresses which can track how deeply you sleep and help you to get a more restful night. 

Mental Fitness: We’re now seeing mental health and “fitness” being prioritized in the same way we prioritize our physical health. The concepts of proactively going to therapy, journaling, gardening, meditating and getting massage or holistic therapies for our mental wellness is now as accepted as going to the gym is for our physical health. You can even work with a wellness coach in the same way you’d work with a personal trainer at the gym. 

Environmentally-friendly packaging: As concerns about the environment grow, we’re noticing more and more brands looking for low-waste or zero-waste packaging. Enter Everist, a Canadian haircare line that sells concentrated shampoos and conditioners in recyclable aluminum packaging. There’s also Meeku, who sell a juice-based skincare line who will pay you to return their packaging. 

Embracing pleasure and sexuality: Sex, once a topic that was taboo, is now being embraced and celebrated as part of wellness. For example, @vanessaandalexander are offering fun sex and intimacy tips on their popular Instagram account, and Leah Fischer of Intimate Wellbeing sells sex toys on her site and offers tips and tricks as well. Dipsea is a new audio service that provides sensual “stories” (aka erotica) for women. 

Wellness Retreats: Getting away from it all can come with a health bonus! Massage, meditation, yoga; all these can serve to deepen your reset. Check out the offerings at Kingfisher Spa and Resort (with their unique hydropath), Wild Heart, Spirit Heart Resort in Tulameen, and for many more options. 

High-tech health checks: technology has come a long way in the area of health and wellness, and we can now futureproof our health by checking our DNA for genetic variations that help determine everything from allergies to your chances of getting Alzheimer’s. Also at the Wellness Show, you can get your blood pressure checked, have your gait analyzed, have your hearing tested, or check in with a nutrition coach.   

For more on the latest Wellness Trends, attend the 30th Anniversary Wellness Show from 10 am to 6 pm on Saturday, February 11, and 10 am to 5 pm on Sunday, February 12, 2023. The show takes place at the Vancouver Convention Centre WEST, 1050 Canada Pl, in downtown Vancouver. All tickets are $12 General Admission, but purchase tickets online in advance and get $2 off the purchase price. Tickets are available online at, or at the door (cash only). 

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