It’s like The Camp, but from home.
We’ve taken Mom Camp: The Camp ONLINE! We aren’t around the actual campfire and I can’t serve you the incredible gourmet food we have at Camp, but I CAN create community and connection, and share our incredible speakers with you!
Introducing Mom Camp: Virtual Camp! It’s 2 hour Zoom session, once every few months, on Saturdays from 7pm-9pm PST. We have sessions with our expert presenters, sharing their wisdom and inspiration and giving you a sneak peek of The Camp’s awesomeness. Then we wrap up with some social time. ? And it’s free!
You deserve two hours just for you in this crazy time, mama. Time to fill your own bucket and do something great for yourself. It’s not a weekend getaway, but it is my gift to you to help you feel inspired and rejuvenated.
We throw in some movement or meditation, maybe a dance party…I just wish I could have you all around an actual campfire to roast some s’mores. ? Grab your favourite beverage and put on your coziest outfit. This time is for you.
Check out some of our incredible speakers and past topics:
?♀️ Gillian Goerzen (@gilliangoerzen) – “Claim your headspace: meditation for mommas on the move!” Gillian will talk about meditation as a mom-tool, and will break some of the misconceptions that exist.
? Jenn Messina, RD (@jennthedietitian) – “Top 5 strategies to fuel your body and ditch dieting for good”
? Veronica Harris – “Unpacking Expectations: Letting Go of Who You Think You SHOULD Be”
? Cate Baio (@cate_baio) – “Into the Unknown” Everyone keeps saying “things will never go back to the way they were.” What does that even mean? More importantly, what does this mean for YOU? In this session, we will explore the transformative process and how it applies to the pandemic and what comes next. We are entering the unknown. How do you want to show up, be seen and live brave™?
Want to know more? Click the link below and get the latest updates on upcoming events.