Take Time for Reflection So You Can Rock Your Week

Do some areas of your life feel not-so-okay, some pretty good and then some that you’re pretty proud of? Maybe you’re handling kid frustration with supreme patience, but your laundry is piling up. Maybe you’re rocking your workouts like a boss but you’re always late to work.

The best way to make changes is to understand what’s actually working, and what areas you want to improve. And to understand that, it helps to reflect back on the previous day or week. Give yourself a rating on how you think you did in specific areas. Not a judgement, just an observation on how you felt about that category. And then set some goals for what you want to work on in the coming week. Taking 10 minutes on a Sunday for this reflection can set up the next week with a positive focus and intention.

You can make your own list in a notebook, or you can download this free Rock Your Week worksheet. Just fill out the form below and it will be sent right to your inbox!


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