Normalizing luxury over suffering:

A chat with Misha Taylor

In this week’s episode I am chatting with Misha Taylor. Misha is a coach in three areas – sleep, potty training, and positive parenting. We are talking about embracing luxury and truly taking care of yourself, over the idea that we “have to” suffer to be a good mom. Suffering is not a badge of honour, and Misha wants to flip this on its head. She wants moms to normalize luxury – to elevate self-care beyond “I showered today.” “Luxury” doesn’t have to be fancy, it’s just levelling up to truly taking care of themselves. 

We talk about how the challenges of motherhood are inevitable, yet they’re not being normalized. We talk about how important it is to share about the realities of what we’re going through, to let others know it’s okay. And that it’s okay to not be okay. 

There is so much goodness is this conversation and I hope it leaves you inspired to take your self-care up a notch. You deserve the luxury! 

Misha’s bio:

Slumber Potty was founded by Misha Taylor, a Pediatric Sleep Consultant, Potty Training Consultant, and Positive Parenting Coach. Slumber Potty is a Motherhood experience-centric brand that helps Mothers overcome challenges in:

  • Sleep Deprivation
  • Loss of intimacy/me time due to extended toddler co-sleeping
  • Potty Training
  • Positive Parenting techniques to reduce tantrums while building life skills and connection!


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Normalizing luxury over suffering: A chat with Misha Taylor

by Mom Camp: Around the Campfire

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