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Having the mental energy, the clarity, and focus to manage everything that happens in the daily life of a busy mom is a massive task.

And what about the confidence to not only manage the day to day and the challenges of parenting, but to go after your dreams as well? With the comparison game on social media and the Pinterest pressure to be Super Mom, it's no wonder it can get overwhelming.

Take it slow. Introducing self-care can go a long way to reducing stress and helping life feel more manageable. But then let's go deeper. What's behind the stress or overwhelm? What could you do to work through that? A few intentional practices each week could significantly change how you approach your days and your life. Gratitude, confidence, mindfulness, they are all buzz words but when you dig in and apply them as daily activities, the only thing "buzzy" about it will be your amazing energy and spirit.

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Building Your Self-Confidence

Building Your Self-Confidence

Self-confidence is like a muscle that needs to be used every day. The more you use it the stronger it grows. And confidence is the tool you use every day. But if you’re lacking it self-confidence or need to boost your self-confidence, there are ways to do it. Because if you want to get everything you want out of life, you have to have the confidence to go after those things.

Are you getting enough sleep?

Are you getting enough sleep?

How do you feel about the quantity and quality of your sleep? If you are fighting fatigue and burnout, one of the first evaluations you should make begins in your bedroom. The quantity and quality of restful sleep you are experiencing is directly related to your ability to manage stress.

Simple Hacks To Help You Build New Habits

Simple Hacks To Help You Build New Habits

Creating new habits isn’t easy. Here are five simple hacks that will make it a little easier. Use them until you’ve internalized the new habit and don’t need them anymore.

3 Easy Steps to Creating New Habits

3 Easy Steps to Creating New Habits

Let’s talk about forming new habits. We all have times in our lives where we intentionally want to change our behaviour for the better and create new habits for ourselves. This could be getting in the habit of eating healthier, going to bed earlier, or drinking more water.

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