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Having the mental energy, the clarity, and focus to manage everything that happens in the daily life of a busy mom is a massive task.

And what about the confidence to not only manage the day to day and the challenges of parenting, but to go after your dreams as well? With the comparison game on social media and the Pinterest pressure to be Super Mom, it's no wonder it can get overwhelming.

Take it slow. Introducing self-care can go a long way to reducing stress and helping life feel more manageable. But then let's go deeper. What's behind the stress or overwhelm? What could you do to work through that? A few intentional practices each week could significantly change how you approach your days and your life. Gratitude, confidence, mindfulness, they are all buzz words but when you dig in and apply them as daily activities, the only thing "buzzy" about it will be your amazing energy and spirit.

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Stress Busting Tips for Moms

Stress Busting Tips for Moms

Being a mother will likely be one of the most difficult things you have ever done, but on the other hand, it will absolutely be one of the most rewarding jobs of your life.  As moms, we often forget to take care of ourselves because we’re caught up in the madness that is life. 

Gratitude: The Solution to Better Health?

Gratitude: The Solution to Better Health?

Gratitude can improve your own feelings of self-worth, your confidence, your relationships, even your health. In fact, did you know that gratitude can have a tremendous impact on both your mental and physical health? A recent study, titled “The Role of Gratitude in Spiritual Well-Being in Asymptomatic Heart Failure

How to Avoid Burnout by Setting a Weekly Rhythm

How to Avoid Burnout by Setting a Weekly Rhythm

Being able to fly by the seat of your pants is an attribute that spontaneous people love. Unfortunately, it is also a common cause of stress, chronic fatigue, and burnout. Working without a schedule can place unnecessary stress on entire families, which can easily be avoided without having to lose your love of spontaneity.

The Importance of Down Time

The Importance of Down Time

Do you put a lot of value on outcomes and achievements? If you do, you may have a difficult time understanding the benefits of down time. It can be hard to even consider shutting off. High achievers tend toward seeing down time as being too unproductive, or a literal “waste of time.” I assure you, it’s not.

More Tired Than You Think: Are You Sleep Deprived?

More Tired Than You Think: Are You Sleep Deprived?

You hear people talking all the time about how tired they are. In fact, sometimes it almost feels like a competition to see who is the most exhausted. However, sleep deprivation is a serious thing. It can affect your health, your mental well-being, and more. If you talk a lot about being tired, it might be time to evaluate yourself

5 Natural Ways To Boost Your Energy Levels

5 Natural Ways To Boost Your Energy Levels

Our increasingly busy lifestyles both in and out of work are placing more demands on us than ever. All of this extra strain can really wear us out, and people are complaining of low energy levels in ever-growing numbers. If you’re one of the many people who feel affected by low energy levels, then no doubt you’ll be wondering if there’s anything you can do to change this.

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