Intentionally building your village:
A chat with Taran Conwell of Undomestic Mom
In this episode I am chatting with Taran Conwell, host of the Undomestic Mom podcast. We’ve all heard the saying “it takes a village to raise a child,” and today we are talking about how you can intentionally build your village. Taran is passionate about the concept of a mother’s helper, she explains what this is, how to find one, and she has some great tips for when it comes time to hire someone.
We also talk about asking for help, a concept that is often hard for moms to actually put into practice. Asking for help looks different for everyone, depending on the level of help you might need. This episode is all about intentionally building a village of support around you that meets your needs, and the needs of your family.
Taran Conwell is the host of The Undomestic Mom Podcast, on a mission to dismantle the cringey and watered-down version of self-care in motherhood. By teaching millennial moms to expect more and do less, she helps them create and implement their own restorative self-care routines.
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