The Fill Your Bucket 14-Day Challenge
Mama, it’s time to put you on your priority list.
It’s like the instruction to put on your own oxygen mask first. It sounds selfish at first, but you’re no good to anyone if you’re not getting oxygen. It’s the same principle when it comes to filling your own bucket. You can’t pour from an empty bucket, or a bucket with holes and leaks. You need to take care of your own bucket first. You need to take care of YOU so that you are fully able to take care of those around you.
You are taking care of all the things. You are managing your family, building your business or career, doing it ALL. To the outside world it might seem as though you are a master at getting it all done. “How does she do it?” people ask. You might feel ashamed because you know the truth: You don’t do it all. Nine out of ten times we put ourselves at the very bottom of our own priority list. We may be managing all the stuff for everyone else, but we are not managing the stuff for ourselves. We are putting our health, self-care, and desires last.
This 14-day challenge is all about simple changes to your habits that will help you to improve your health, increase your energy, improve your sleep, improve your mood, and refill your own bucket.
14 days. Simple habits. Easy daily activities. Huge impact.
September 21 – October 4, 2021. $10 USD.
Click the button below to sign up now!