
As moms, it’s our job to take care of the little people that have been entrusted to us. So often we set our own needs aside in the process. But if we don’t care for ourselves, we won’t be equipped or fuelled to care for anyone else. Our health is the most important thing we have. Nutrition, fitness, stress management, and self-care are all components of ensuring we are operating at our best in all areas of our lives.

It can seem overwhelming to think about making massive changes in all areas, especially when your time is limited by work, kid activities, and home management. It doesn’t have to be a big deal. And the important thing is to keep in mind WHY these changes are important. Imagine jumping out of bed in the morning with tons of energy, ready to have an awesome day? Having the physical and mental energy to accomplish all you need to in your day, AND all that you want to as well?

So let’s break it down. Can you set a goal to make your nutrition 10% better this week than it was last week? Or get 30 minutes of exercise three days this week? Making small changes a little at a time can lead to big changes over the long term.

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